Dermatology Resources
Suggested resources for dermatology staff and students.
Online platforms
- BMJ Best Practice – view the latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinions covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
- Knowledge and Library Hub – your single place to search and access all our ebooks, print books and e-journals
Ebooks Reading List
Print Books Reading List
BrowZine – browse a large collection of ejournal titles related to nursing, see latest articles published, save articles for later reading or reflection
Board Games
We have a collection of board games which have been designed to be both fun and educational. Perfect for groups.
- The communication game – will help you understand communication support needs and improve your communication skills
- The hydration game – designed to help you recognise and minimise dehydration for patients, residents and staff
- The nutrition game – helps to develop an understanding of malnutrition and improves how players of the game support people to eat and drink
- The sepsis game – spot it, treat it, beat it – designed to help players recognise and manage sepsis
How we can help
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01803 656700