Your library and knowledge service team are: Catherine Micklethwaite – Library & Knowledge Services Manager I manage the Library & Knowledge Services team at TSDFT. I am passionate about the role of technology within libraries. I lead on the strategic management of the regional library management system and head up the cataloguing group, as well asContinue reading “Meet the team”
FAQ Category Archives:
We aim to provide a service which is accessible to all eligible staff and students on placement. All of our leaflets and guides can be provided in a range of formats, on request, to suit individual needs. We also have a range of transparent coloured overlays and reading rulers which have been shown to makeContinue reading “Accessibility”
Library membership
Library membership is available to: TSDFT and Children and Family Health Devon staff, placement students and volunteers all NHS Trust (e.g. SWASFT, DPT) and primary health care staff working in South Devon students on clinical placement with the NHS in South Devon Rowcroft Hospice Staff Join the library by completing our online registration form.
Our services include: Teaching information skills via group sessions, one-to-ones and Teams Evidence searches to support clinical work and research Expertise from trained, knowledgeable staff Library resource guides (contact us for alternative formats, e.g. large print) A regularly updated website available from work and home Quiet study spaces and informal group study areas Access toContinue reading “Services”
Our vision
Leading in NHS information service delivery, we will help to improve patient care by enabling and transforming the way professionals use evidence-based information.