Tucked away in a corner of the library’s quiet space is the library’s wellbeing space. Here you will find the fiction books, hobby books, DVDs and video games. There are also colouring sheets and jigsaw puzzles.
We have several jigsaw puzzles that have kindly been donated to us. You are welcome to borrow these and return when you have finished. These do not need to be checked out.
Video games and VR headsets
Video Games We have a range of Play Station 4 and X-box One video games on loan from members of staff for you to borrow: Virtual Reality (VR) headsets We have two Quest 2 headsets available to loan and take home. They come pre-loaded with the following apps: Wellbeing apps Guided Tai Chi Various TaiContinue reading “Video games and VR headsets”
For those of you who still retain the ability to play old-style DVDs, we have a substantial collections of DVDs you can borrow. Most of these DVDs have a (sometimes tenuous) link to health themes, but we can guarantee they will make you think, re-evaluate what you thought you knew, or just feel better afterContinue reading “DVDs”
Hobby books We have a selection of hobby/crafting books ranging from painting techniques, cycling lost lanes in the West Country, fixing just about anything, sustainable living, brewing beer and wine tasting, to making jam and designing that dress, and everything else in between. See the full list. Fiction books Need a pick-me-up book? Don’t worry,Continue reading “Books”