LibKey Nomad
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension which adds extra functionality to your web browsing experience. By installing LibKey Nomad you will benefit from fast, one click access to the full-text of journal articles available to you as a member of this library.
You will be able to easily access subscribed full-text articles from publisher websites, PubMed, Google Scholar, TRIP Medical Database and more.
Using the LibKey Nomad browser extension as you search the web for articles means the fastest access route for available articles is presented to you as you browse. All you need to do is click the access button, login (if prompted) with your Trust computer username and password and then read, download, or request your required article.
For example, when searching PubMed with LibKey Nomad installed you will see helpful ‘Article Link’ and ‘Download PDF’ buttons which, when clicked, will link you straight to the full text of the article.

If we cannot provide immediate full-text access, because we do not have a subscription to that particular journal, then an ‘Access Options’ button will be visible. Click the button to request a copy of the article. We will then try to source a copy of the article for you.
LibKey Nomad works with the following browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Brave and Vivaldi. LibKey Nomad is not available on mobile devices or tablets.
How to install
If you use a TSDFT work computer or laptop then LibKey nomad may already be installed. Using Microsoft Edge check your browser bar for a flame-shaped icon (sometimes you will need to click the icon shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece to view installed extensions). If the flame icon is green LibKey Nomad is installed and active (no further action required). If the flame icon is grey then Libkey Nomad is installed but needs to be activated.

If your access needs to be activated (i.e. you can see a grey flame) then click the flame icon and select ‘Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust’ from the ‘select organization’ field.

Your flame icon should then turn green. Click the icon to make the pop-up activation box disappear. As long as your flame icon stays green then LibKey Nomad is active on your device and will work quietly in the background to improve your access to research articles.
If you cannot see a flame icon in your browser bar then you need to install LibKey Nomad. For instructions, please see the LibKey Nomad page. Scroll to the bottom of that page and select your browser in order to be directed to the correct download page. Once downloaded please activate your access as described above.