Study Room Booking Request Form
If your booking request is urgent please call us on 01803 656700. The library is staffed 8.30am – 5pm, Monday – Friday.
Study room terms and conditions
- These rooms are intended for individual and small group study and training. They are not meeting rooms.
- All bookings must be made via library staff. Bookings will not be accepted on the day unless the room is vacant.
- Booked rooms must be occupied within 30 minutes of their booked time, otherwise the booking will be cancelled and the room made available to others.
- Non-booked rooms can be used on a first come first served basis.
- Rooms to be vacated promptly at end of booking.
- Do not leave belongings unattended in the rooms unless for quick breaks. The library is not responsible for the safety of items left in the rooms.
- These rooms are not sound-proofed and noise does carry – please keep noise to a minimum.
- Maximum of 4 people in each room.
- Please leave room tidy.
- Additional quiet study seating is available in main library.